Hey there, marketers! At Celsius Marketing, Artificial Intelligence (AI) is already playing a huge part in marketing research, analytics, and tools, and we’re here to help you get started. AI could soon be the secret sauce to marketing automation, predictive analytics, and content optimization. It’s the new kid on the block, and everyone wants a piece of it.
If you don’t know what AI is, here is a little background on the topic. Artificial intelligence is the proper name and is taking the marketing world by storm. Throughout this blog, we will give you some helpful tips and tricks to help you implement AI marketing and put you ahead of your competitors. Remember being one step ahead is the best move in marketing.
We’ve put together a beginner’s guide on how to use AI in your marketing strategy. With AI, you can identify customer behavior trends, segment audiences effectively, personalize interactions with customers, optimize organic search rankings, and make well-informed decisions that drive ROI (return on investment). It’s like having a marketing genie in a bottle. We also will be walking you through some real-life examples of some of the AI implementations that we have tested!
If you’re feeling a bit overwhelmed, don’t fret. Here are a few tips to help you get started:
Research & Set Goals
Before you begin your journey into utilizing AI in your marketing strategy, it is important to have an understanding of what you are trying to achieve with it and how it will benefit your business goals. Do some research into how AI has been used successfully by other brands before diving in head first.
Select The Right Tools
Once you’ve identified the goal or goals for using AI within your business, look for tools that will allow you to automate certain processes or provide insights into customer behavior trends. There are a number of options out there such as chatbots and predictive analytics tools – just make sure you select the right ones for the tasks at hand!
Start With Small Projects
As with any new venture or technology, it is best to start small and then expand from there once you gain confidence with each successful project completion. This allows plenty of room for experimentation without feeling overwhelmed or risking too much failure all at once which could lead to frustration.
Monitor Performance
Once implementation begins, monitor results closely so that adjustments can be made if needed due to inadequate performance or unexpected obstacles that arise along the way. Running tests regularly can help ensure that operations remain efficient over time as customer behaviors change and new technologies emerge in the marketplace. Don’t forget to proof and fact-check as some AI tools could be wrong in the outputs they come up with.
We Took Our Own Advice and Tested Several AI Tools Ourselves…
Check out the results. You won’t believe what we discovered when using AI.
AI Tool: Social Media Captions
Prompt: The Great Power of AI
Result: “#FuturisticFriday: Artificial Intelligence has the power to revolutionize our future — the possibilities are infinite! #AI #Technology #Innovation”
Final Thought: It came up with this caption in under 10 seconds! Crazy, right! This is going to change the game by helping you come up with more creative and multiple captions in less time than before! You can prompt what your post is talking about, the tone of the wording, and lastly how many outputs you would like to choose from. Then after AI does its thinking… BOOM! You have photo captions for anything you think of.
AI Tool: Art to Create a Social Media Graphic
Prompt: Sunset Over Mountain Range
Final Thoughts: Pretty easy prompt, and looks super realistic as well. But let’s see what happens when we make the prompt a little harder….
Prompt: Marketer at Celsius Marketing working on a computer
Final Thoughts: As you can see the AI generator had many flaws and messed up on quite a few things such as not adding the Celsius branding into the spaces where the human is working and the human’s fingers aren’t very realistic. AI has its flaws and can bring everything to the table as you can see with the images above. An AI generator can only do so much that you tell it to do, and in the end may not be exactly what you want, so that is why sticking to the old Adobe and Photoshop may be your best bet when it comes to this AI feature.
And finally, the last AI tool we are going to be talking about is hashtags and the power it can have to help spice your marketing practices.
AI Tool: AI-Generated Hashtags
Prompt: Celsius Brand / Stand Out From the Crowd
Result: #FearlessMarketing, #BreakTheMold, #StandOutFromTheCrowd
Final Thoughts: Many people/ businesses you hashtags every single day, meaning AI is only used to know what companies and brands are posting. This can get tricky and you don’t want to use the same old things as your competitors, that’s why hashtag generators may not be the best bet for all your marketing campaigns and tricks. After reviewing these hashtags to see how many Instagram users have used these hashtags the data was super shocking. #FearlessMarketing there were less than 100 posts that used this hashtag which shows that the hashtag would show up on the viewer’s feed more. #BreakTheMold had close to 100k posts which isn’t good and would make that hashtag very hard to show up on the audience’s feed. Lastly, #StandOutFromTheCrowd had 291k posts… Again very difficult for that hashtag to make it onto the audience’s feed as well. So just remember, AI may not be the best at generating hashtags, so the old human brain may be the one that can still come up with the unique and flashy hashtags to let your brand stick out more.
Remember, AI is just one piece of the puzzle. It’s important to have an overall comprehensive marketing plan and strategy in place. Don’t get so caught up in the shiny new toy that you forget about the people. It’s not all about technology, folks!
At Celsius Marketing, we’re experienced thought leaders when it comes to incorporating innovative technologies into marketing campaigns. Don’t hesitate to reach out today – our team would love to discuss how we can help make YOUR vision come alive!